Thursday 23 March 2017

How to build a house!

Imagine if you woke up this morning and someone had told you, you need to build a house from scratch.
I'm sure you would be thinking,
"How the hell am I going to accomplish something as big as that? There is so much to do, I could never do something as big as that!"
So you tell that person to get stuffed, that's a huge job, you're not doing it, go find someone else!!
You've just given up before even trying because the size of the job is just too overwhelming!
I think we could all understand that decision. Its a massive job and only few people will pull it off!

However, imagine if that same person came back the following week and said, this week you need to lay the foundations of a house and that is all.
So you do it.
Seems simple enough!

Then the next week that same person comes back and says, this week you will put up the walls and that's all.
So you do that.
Tough job but your glad you've done it.

Then, the next week, you are asked to put on the roof.
So you do it.
And finally you are asked to paint it in the next week.
So you do that also!
And before you even know it you are looking at a completed house. That task that seemed impossible a couple of weeks ago has been finished.

Now here's my point. If you have a goal, lets use weight loss, you want to lose 10kgs. You might be thinking that that's just too much weight to lose, so you get disheartened and give up. However, if you set yourself the goal of losing only 1kg a week it seems much easier and after 10 weeks you have achieved your goal.

The same principle can be applied to any goals you have. They may seem impossible but break them down into smaller achievable steps and chip away one by one!

Lastly, the most important part!! SET YOURSELF A DATE!
Without it you will just keep pushing it back and back. Set yourself a date to keep yourself accountable and on track.

-Chase Hansen

Saturday 11 March 2017



For those of you who will be reading my blogs I would like to start off with an introduction, to me, my goal and what I will be writing about. I'm sorry if this first one is a bit dry but I hope to be updating my blogs weekly with more and more exciting content.

Firstly, me, I am 20 years old, born in the south west of Western Australia. Here I spent 18 years of my life before moving to Melbourne, Victoria to follow my dreams as a professional basketball player. Boy did that come to an abrupt end... But along the way I found a new passion for fitness and personal training.

I am a very impatient person, so I immediately stopped everything, including basketball, and spent close to 6 months studying to get my certificates in fitness and with another quick move back to Perth, Western Australia I begun my journey as a fitness professional.

Now, my goal. With anything in my life that I have been passionate about I always want to be very successful and one of the best. So nothing changed when I started on this new passion. I want to be one of the best, most knowledgeable and successful trainers around. The guy that everyone goes to for the best information and I will be the guy to provide that.

Lastly, my content. I aim to provide the realest information you can get your hands on. I want to cut through the BS that is marketed so well in the fitness industry at the moment and give only real and wholesome information. I will be writing about training, nutrition and my experiences and also mental things, goal setting and intrinsic motivation strategies. So if you've made it this far keep your eye out for my next blog, next week.

-Chase Hansen